Decision Making in a World Full of Noise
Today, more than ever, executives have the tools at their fingertips to make informed decisions based on rational data. Further, leaders are more aware of cognitive biases that interfere with [...]
Today, more than ever, executives have the tools at their fingertips to make informed decisions based on rational data. Further, leaders are more aware of cognitive biases that interfere with [...]
A recent article outlines ideas for keeping more women in the talent pipeline in order to have more women in the C-suite. Sally Blount, Dean of the Kellogg School of [...] by franky 242 Conflict is a fact of life, in business or otherwise. Yet, managed incorrectly, conflict can have devastating effects: strained relationships, lost productivity, and low [...]
Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. –Steve Jobs There’s another CIO in the C-suite, and this time, it’s primarily about innovation, not investments or technology. How can CIOs [...]
Social media has permeated business culture and is now considered an integral part of marketing. However, 60% of executives use social media less than one hour per week, and the [...]
The role of chief operating officer has typically been relegated to the background while the CEO takes front and center stage. Understandable, since the CEO is typically the face and [...]