ESG: No Longer "Green Window Dressing"
Corporations have often taken the position that when it comes to sustainability or other socially responsible issues, the costs outweigh the benefits for the bottom line. In his book Capitalism [...]
Corporations have often taken the position that when it comes to sustainability or other socially responsible issues, the costs outweigh the benefits for the bottom line. In his book Capitalism [...]
6 Things Every Mentor Should Do In light of all the recent discussion of mentors and sponsors, I found Harvard Business Review’s recent article, “Six Things Every Mentor Should Do,” [...]
It has been said that “leading” and “managing,” though used interchangeably, have different meanings. The idea goes that the leader is a visionary, with big picture ideas, and the manager [...]
Some believe that having made their way to top positions, senior women-executives might hire and encourage more women. But much of the time, it doesn’t play out that way. Research [...]
Recently, our WE blog has been looking closely at the changes organizations are making to bring more women into positions of advanced responsibility—whether it’s instilling quotas for more diverse boards [...]
We all know the old saw, ‘It’s better to give than to receive,” or as Mark Twain famously quipped, “It is better to give than receive- especially advice.” This charitable [...]
The benefits of a high level of financial knowledge are undeniable. According to Annamaria Lusardi, an economics professor at Dartmouth, people who are financially literate, are “less likely to borrow [...]
Lloyd Blankfein presenting 10,000 Women grad Madhu Chandrika with the Goldman Sachs & Fortune Global Women Leaders Award last Tuesday. Investing in women is one of the keys to a prosperous [...]