Thought Leadership2018-01-24T22:53:42-05:00

Can Ethics Guide Artificial Intelligence?

September 25th, 2017|Corporate Culture, Trends in Human Resources|

As CEO of IBM, Ginni Rometty is no stranger to both the complexities of the modern business environment and gender diversity. Artificial intelligence, or cognitive computing, as IBM prefers to call it, is not a threat to jobs. In fact, Rometty believes the purpose of AI is to augment the human [...]

Addressing Cybersecurity in the Business World

September 25th, 2017|Trends in Asset Management, Trends in Human Resources|

Recent events such as the Equifax hack and the breach of the Edgar system, the SEC’s public company files, are not isolated events; this is a new reality. The volume of data stored electronically “in the cloud” and the rapid pace of technological change puts everyone at risk. As quickly [...]

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